Source code for pytaxize.itis.itis

import sys
import time
import requests
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from pytaxize.refactor import Refactor

    import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Pandas library not installed, dataframes disabled")
    pd = None
itis_base = ""

def accepted_names(tsn, **kwargs):
    Get accepted names from tsn

    :param tsn: taxonomic serial number (TSN) (character or numeric)
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        # TSN accepted - good name
        # TSN not accepted - input TSN is old name
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getAcceptedNamesFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    if out["acceptedNames"][0] is None:
        return {}
        return out["acceptedNames"][0]

def any_match_count(x, **kwargs):
    Get any match count.

    :param x: text or taxonomic serial number (TSN) (character or numeric)
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getAnyMatchCount", payload={"srchKey": x}, request="get"
    return out["return"]

def comment_detail(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get comment detail from TSN

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCommentDetailFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    [z.pop("class") for z in out["comments"]]
    return _df(out["comments"], as_dataframe)

def common_names(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get common names from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        # no common names
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCommonNamesFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    if out["commonNames"][0] is not None:
        [z.pop("class") for z in out["commonNames"]]
    return _df(out["commonNames"], as_dataframe)

def core_metadata(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get core metadata from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        # coverage and currrency data
        # no coverage or currrency data
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCoreMetadataFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df([out], as_dataframe)

def coverage(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get coverge from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        # coverage data
        # no coverage data
        # as data_frame
        itis.coverage(526852, as_dataframe=True)
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCoverageFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(out, as_dataframe)

def credibility_rating(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get credibility rating from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCredibilityRatingFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(out, as_dataframe)

def credibility_ratings(**kwargs):
    Get possible credibility ratings

    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`
    :return: a dict

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(itis_base + "getCredibilityRatings", payload={}, request="get").json(
    return out["credibilityValues"]

def currency(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get currency from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        # currency data
        # no currency dat
        # as data_frame
        itis.currency(526852, as_dataframe=True)
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getCurrencyFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(out, as_dataframe)

def date_data(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get date data from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getDateDataFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(out, as_dataframe)

def experts(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get expert information for the TSN.

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getExpertsFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(out["experts"], as_dataframe)

def rank_name(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Returns the kingdom and rank information for the TSN.

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.rank_name(tsn = 202385)
    tt = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getTaxonomicRankNameFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(tt, as_dataframe)

def hierarchy_full(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get full hierarchy from ts

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.hierarchy_full(tsn = 37906)
        itis.hierarchy_full(tsn = 100800)
        # as data_frame
        itis.hierarchy_full(tsn = 100800, as_dataframe=True)
    tt = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getFullHierarchyFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    hier = tt["hierarchyList"]
    [z.pop("class") for z in hier if z is not None]
    return _df(hier, as_dataframe)

# def _fullrecord(verb, args, **kwargs):
#     out = Refactor(itis_base + verb, payload=args, request="get").json(**kwargs)
#     toget = [
#         "acceptedNameList",
#         "commentList",
#         "commonNameList",
#         "completenessRating",
#         "coreMetadata",
#         "credibilityRating",
#         "currencyRating",
#         "dateData",
#         "expertList",
#         "geographicDivisionList",
#         "hierarchyUp",
#         "jurisdictionalOriginList",
#         "kingdom",
#         "otherSourceList",
#         "parentTSN",
#         "publicationList",
#         "scientificName",
#         "synonymList",
#         "taxRank",
#         "taxonAuthor",
#         "unacceptReason",
#         "usage",
#     ]

#     def parsedat(x):
#         ch = out.xpath("//ax21:" + x, namespaces=ns21)[0].getchildren()
#         return _get_text(ch)

#     return [parsedat(x) for x in toget]

def _fullrecord(verb, args, **kwargs):
    out = Refactor(itis_base + verb, payload=args, request="get").json(**kwargs)
    return out

def full_record(tsn=None, lsid=None, **kwargs):
    Returns the full ITIS record for a TSN or LSID

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param lsid: lsid for a taxonomic group (character)
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    if tsn is not None:
        return _fullrecord("getFullRecordFromTSN", {"tsn": tsn}, **kwargs)
    if lsid is not None:
        return _fullrecord("getFullRecordFromLSID", {"lsid": lsid}, **kwargs)

def geographic_divisions(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get geographic divisions from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getGeographicDivisionsFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    [z.pop("class") for z in out["geoDivisions"]]
    return _df(out["geoDivisions"], as_dataframe)

def geographic_values(**kwargs):
    Get all possible geographic values

    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(itis_base + "getGeographicValues", payload={}, request="get").json()
    return out["geographicValues"]

def global_species_completeness(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get global species completeness from tsn
    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getGlobalSpeciesCompletenessFromTSN",
        payload={"tsn": tsn},
    return _df(out, as_dataframe)

def hierarchy_down(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get hierarchy down from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.hierarchy_down(tsn = 179913)
        itis.hierarchy_down(tsn = 161994)
        itis.hierarchy_down(tsn = 9999999)
    tt = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getHierarchyDownFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    if tt["hierarchyList"]:
    [z.pop("class") for z in tt["hierarchyList"] if z is not None]
    return _df(tt["hierarchyList"], as_dataframe)

def hierarchy_up(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get hierarchy up from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.hierarchy_up(tsn = 36485)
        itis.hierarchy_up(tsn = 37906)
    tt = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getHierarchyUpFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
    return _df(tt, as_dataframe)

def _itisterms(endpt, args={}, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    out = Refactor(itis_base + endpt, payload=args, request="get").json(**kwargs)
    if out["itisTerms"][0] is None:
        return {}
    [w.pop("class") for w in out["itisTerms"]]
    return _df(out["itisTerms"], as_dataframe)

def _get_text_single(x):
    vals = [x.text]
    keys = [x.tag.split("}")[1]]
    return dict(zip(keys, vals))

def terms(x, what="both", as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get itis terms

    :param x: query term
    :param what: One of both (search common and scientific names), common
        (search just common names), or scientific (search just scientific names)
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.terms("bear", what="common")
        itis.terms("Poa", what="scientific")
        itis.terms("bear", as_dataframe=True)

    class Endpts(Enum):
        both = "getITISTerms"
        common = "getITISTermsFromCommonName"
        scientific = "getITISTermsFromScientificName"

    return _itisterms(
        args={"srchKey": x},

# def hierarchy(tsn=None, what="full"):
#     """
#     Get hierarchies from TSN values, full, upstream only, or immediate downstream
#     only. Uses the ITIS database.

#     :param tsn: One or more TSN's (taxonomic serial number)
#     :param what: One of full (full hierarchy), up (immediate upstream), or down
#        (immediate downstream)

#     Details Note that `itis.itis_downstream` gets taxa downstream to a particular
#        rank, whilc this function only gets immediate names downstream.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         # Get full hierarchy
#         itis.hierarchy(tsn=180543)

#         # Get hierarchy upstream
#         itis.hierarchy(tsn=180543, "up")

#         # Get hierarchy downstream
#         itis.hierarchy(tsn=180543, "down")

#         # Many tsn's
#         itis.hierarchy(tsn=[180543,41074,36616])
#     """
#     tsn2 = convertsingle(tsn)
#     temp = []
#     if what == "full":
#         for i in range(len(tsn2)):
#             temp.append(getfullhierarchyfromtsn(tsn2[i]))
#     elif what == "up":
#         for i in range(len(tsn2)):
#             temp.append(gethierarchyupfromtsn(tsn2[i]))
#     else:
#         for i in range(len(tsn2)):
#             temp.append(gethierarchydownfromtsn(tsn2[i]))
#     return temp

def jurisdictional_origin(tsn, as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get jurisdictional origin from tsn

    :param tsn: (int) TSN for a taxonomic group
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
        itis.jurisdictional_origin(180543, True)
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getJurisdictionalOriginFromTSN",
        payload={"tsn": tsn},
    if out["jurisdictionalOrigins"][0] is not None:
        [z.pop("class") for z in out["jurisdictionalOrigins"]]
    return _df(out["jurisdictionalOrigins"], as_dataframe)

def jurisdiction_origin_values(as_dataframe=False, **kwargs):
    Get jurisdiction origin values
    :param as_dataframe: (bool) specify return type, if pandas is available
    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`


        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(
        itis_base + "getJurisdictionalOriginValues", payload={}, request="get"
    [z.pop("class") for z in out["originValues"]]
    return _df(out["originValues"], as_dataframe)

def jurisdiction_values(**kwargs):
    Get possible jurisdiction values

    :param \*\*kwargs: Curl options passed on to `requests.get`

    :return: list


        from pytaxize import itis
    out = Refactor(itis_base + "getJurisdictionValues", payload={}, request="get").json(
    return out["jurisdictionValues"]

# def getkingdomnamefromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Get kingdom names from tsn

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getkingdomnamefromtsn(202385)
#     """
#     out = _itisGET("getKingdomNameFromTSN", {"tsn": tsn}, **kwargs)
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getKingdomNameFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     ns = {"ax21": ""}
#     toget = ["kingdomId", "kingdomName", "tsn"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns)

# def getkingdomnames(**kwargs):
#     """
#     Get all possible kingdom names

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getkingdomnames()
#     """
#     out = Refactor(itis_base + "getKingdomNames", payload={}, request="get").xml(
#         **kwargs
#     )
#     ns = {"ax23": ""}
#     matches = ["kingdomId", "kingdomName", "tsn"]
#     return _itisdf(out, ns, matches, _tolower(matches), "ax23")

# def getlastchangedate(**kwargs):
#     """
#     Provides the date the ITIS database was last updated.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getlastchangedate()
#     """
#     out = Refactor(itis_base + "getLastChangeDate", payload={}, request="get").xml(
#         **kwargs
#     )
#     ns = {"ax23": ""}
#     nodes = out.xpath("//ax23:updateDate", namespaces=ns)
#     bb = nodes[0].text
#     dt = time.strptime(bb.split()[0], "%Y-%m-%d")
#     return dt

# def getlsidfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Gets the unique LSID for the TSN, or an empty result if there is no match.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         # valid TSN
#         itis.getlsidfromtsn(155166)
#         # invalid TSN, returns nothing
#         itis.getlsidfromtsn(0)
#     """
#     out = _itisGET("getLSIDFromTSN", {"tsn": tsn}, **kwargs)
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getLSIDFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     tt = out.getchildren()[0].text
#     if tt is None:
#         tt = "no match"
#     else:
#         pass
#     return tt

# def getothersourcesfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns a list of the other sources used for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getothersourcesfromtsn(182662)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getOtherSourcesFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = [
#         "acquisitionDate",
#         "name",
#         "referredTsn",
#         "source",
#         "sourceType",
#         "updateDate",
#         "version",
#     ]
#     return _itis_parse_2dict(toget, out, ns21)

# def getparenttsnfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the parent TSN for the entered TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getparenttsnfromtsn(202385)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getParentTSNFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = ["parentTsn", "tsn"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getpublicationsfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns a list of the pulications used for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getpublicationsfromtsn(70340)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getPublicationsFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = [
#         "actualPubDate",
#         "isbn",
#         "issn",
#         "listedPubDate",
#         "pages",
#         "pubComment",
#         "pubName",
#         "pubPlace",
#         "publisher",
#         "referenceAuthor",
#         "name",
#         "refLanguage",
#         "referredTsn",
#         "title",
#         "updateDate",
#     ]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getranknames(**kwargs):
#     """
#     Provides a list of all the unique rank names contained in the database and
#     their kingdom and rank ID values.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getranknames()
#     """
#     out = Refactor(itis_base + "getRankNames", payload={}, request="get").json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["kingdomName", "rankId", "rankName"]
#     return _itisdf(out, ns23, matches, _tolower(matches), "ax23")

# def getrecordfromlsid(lsid, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Gets the partial ITIS record for the TSN in the LSID, found by comparing the
#     TSN in the search key to the TSN field. Returns an empty result set if
#     there is no match or the TSN is invalid.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getrecordfromlsid("")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getRecordFromLSID", payload={"lsid": lsid}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = [
#         "authorship",
#         "genusPart",
#         "infragenericEpithet",
#         "infraspecificEpithet",
#         "lsid",
#         "nameComplete",
#         "nomenclaturalCode",
#         "rank",
#         "rankString",
#         "specificEpithet",
#         "uninomial",
#         "tsn",
#     ]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getreviewyearfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the review year for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getreviewyearfromtsn(180541)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getReviewYearFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = ["rankId", "reviewYear", "tsn"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getscientificnamefromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the scientific name for the TSN. Also returns the component parts
#     (names and indicators) of the scientific name.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getscientificnamefromtsn(531894)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getScientificNameFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = [
#         "combinedName",
#         "unitInd1",
#         "unitInd3",
#         "unitName1",
#         "unitName2",
#         "unitName3",
#         "tsn",
#     ]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getsynonymnamesfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     '''
#     Returns a list of the synonyms (if any) for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#     itis.getsynonymnamesfromtsn(183671) # tsn not accepted
#     itis.getsynonymnamesfromtsn(526852) # tsn accepted
#     '''
#     out = _itisGET("getSynonymNamesFromTSN", {'tsn': tsn}, **kwargs)
#     if len(sapply(nodes, xmlValue)) == 0):
#         name = list("nomatch")
#     else:
#         name = sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
#     nodes = getNodeSet(out, "//ax21:tsn", namespaces=ns21)

#     if len(sapply(nodes, xmlValue)) == 1):
#         tsn = sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
#     else:
#       tsn = sapply(nodes, xmlValue)
#       tsn = tsn[-1]
#     data.frame(name=name, tsn=tsn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# def gettaxonauthorshipfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the author information for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.gettaxonauthorshipfromtsn(183671)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getTaxonAuthorshipFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = ["authorship", "updateDate", "tsn"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def gettaxonomicusagefromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the usage information for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.gettaxonomicusagefromtsn(526852)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getTaxonomicUsageFromTSN", payload={"tsn": tsn}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = ["taxonUsageRating", "tsn"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def gettsnbyvernacularlanguage(language, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Get tsn by vernacular language not the international language code (character)

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.gettsnbyvernacularlanguage("french")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getTsnByVernacularLanguage",
#         payload={"language": language},
#         request="get",
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["commonName", "language", "tsn"]
#     return _itisdf(out, ns21, matches, _tolower(matches))

# def gettsnfromlsid(lsid, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Gets the TSN corresponding to the LSID, or an empty result if there is no match.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.gettsnfromlsid(lsid="")
#         itis.gettsnfromlsid("")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getTSNFromLSID", payload={"lsid": lsid}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     tt = out.getchildren()[0].text
#     if tt is None:
#         tt = "no match"
#     else:
#         pass
#     return tt

# def getunacceptabilityreasonfromtsn(tsn, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Returns the unacceptability reason, if any, for the TSN.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getunacceptabilityreasonfromtsn(183671)
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "getUnacceptabilityReasonFromTSN",
#         payload={"tsn": tsn},
#         request="get",
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     toget = ["tsn", "unacceptReason"]
#     return _itis_parse(toget, out, ns21)

# def getvernacularlanguages(**kwargs):
#     """
#     Provides a list of the unique languages used in the vernacular table.

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.getvernacularlanguages()
#     """
#     out = Refactor(itis_base + "getVernacularLanguages", payload={}, request="get").xml(
#         **kwargs
#     )
#     matches = ["languageNames"]
#     return _itisdf(out, ns23, matches, _tolower(matches), "ax23")

# def searchbycommonname(x, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search for tsn by common name

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchbycommonname(x="american bullfrog")
#         itis.searchbycommonname("ferret-badger")
#         itis.searchbycommonname("polar bear")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchByCommonName", payload={"srchKey": x}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["commonName", "language", "tsn"]
#     tmp = out.xpath("//ax21:commonNames", namespaces=ns21)
#     return _itisdf(tmp[0], ns21, matches, _tolower(matches))

# def searchbycommonnamebeginswith(x, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search for tsn by common name beginning with

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchbycommonnamebeginswith("inch")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchByCommonNameBeginsWith",
#         payload={"srchKey": x},
#         request="get",
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["commonName", "language", "tsn"]
#     tmp = out.xpath("//ax21:commonNames", namespaces=ns21)
#     return _itisdf(tmp[0], ns21, matches, _tolower(matches))

# def searchbycommonnameendswith(x, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search for tsn by common name ending with

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchbycommonnameendswith("snake")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchByCommonNameEndsWith", payload={"srchKey": x}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["commonName", "language", "tsn"]
#     tmp = out.xpath("//ax21:commonNames", namespaces=ns21)
#     return _itisdf(tmp[0], ns21, matches, _tolower(matches))

# def searchcommon(x, which="begin", **kwargs):
#     """
#     Searches common name and acts as thin wrapper around
#     `itis.searchbycommonnamebeginswith` and `itis.searchbycommonnameendswith`

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchcommon("inch")
#         itis.searchcommon("inch", which = "end")
#     """
#     if which == "begin":
#         return searchbycommonnamebeginswith(x, **kwargs)
#     else:
#         return searchbycommonnameendswith(x, **kwargs)

# def searchbyscientificname(x, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search by scientific name

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchbyscientificname(x="Tardigrada")
#         itis.searchbyscientificname("Quercus douglasii")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchByScientificName", payload={"srchKey": x}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     matches = ["combinedName", "tsn"]
#     return _itisdf(out, ns21, matches, _tolower(matches))

# def searchforanymatch(x, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search for any match

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchforanymatch(x=202385)
#         itis.searchforanymatch(x="dolphin")
#     """
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchForAnyMatch", payload={"srchKey": x}, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     # if isinstance(x, basestring):
#     tmp = out.getchildren()[0].getchildren()
#     output = []
#     for v in tmp:
#         tmp = v.getchildren()
#         for w in tmp:
#             output.append(
#                 dict(zip([gettag(e) for e in w.iter()], [e.text for e in w.iter()]))
#             )
#     return output

# def searchforanymatchpaged(x, pagesize, pagenum, ascend, **kwargs):
#     """
#     Search for any matched page for descending (logical)

#     Usage::

#         from pytaxize import itis
#         itis.searchforanymatchpaged(x=202385, pagesize=100, pagenum=1, ascend=False)
#         itis.searchforanymatchpaged("Zy", pagesize=100, pagenum=1, ascend=False)
#     """
#     args = {"srchKey": x, "pageSize": pagesize, "pageNum": pagenum, "ascend": ascend}
#     out = Refactor(
#         itis_base + "searchForAnyMatchPaged", payload=args, request="get"
#     ).json(**kwargs)
#     tmp = out.getchildren()[0].getchildren()
#     output = []
#     for v in tmp:
#         tmp = v.getchildren()
#         for w in tmp:
#             output.append(
#                 dict(zip([gettag(e) for e in w.iter()], [e.text for e in w.iter()]))
#             )
#     return output

## helper functions and variables
def convertsingle(x):
    if x.__class__.__name__ == "int":
        return [x]
        return x

# ns21 = {"ax21": ""}
# ns23 = {"ax23": ""}

def _parse2df(obj, ns):
    nodes = obj.xpath("//ax21:*", namespaces=ns)
    vals = [x.text for x in nodes]
    keys = [x.tag.split("}")[1] for x in nodes]
    df = [dict(zip(keys, vals))]
    return df

def _parse_nodes(obj):
    vals = [x.text for x in obj]
    keys = [x.tag.split("}")[1] for x in obj]
    return dict(zip(keys, vals))

def _parse_hier(obj, ns):
    nodes = obj.xpath("//ax21:hierarchyList", namespaces=ns)
    uu = []
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
                    [x.text for x in nodes[i]],
    return uu

def _itisdf(a, b, matches, colnames, pastens="ax21"):
    prefix = "//%s:" % pastens
    matches = [prefix + x for x in matches]
    output = []
    for m in matches:
        nodes = a.xpath(m, namespaces=b)
        output.append([x.text for x in nodes])
    if len(nodes) == 0:
        sys.exit("Please enter a valid search name")
    if not len(output[0]) == len(output[-1]):
        # for some reason, the list of tsn's sometimes begins with a
        # spurious None
        output[-1] = output[-1][1:]
    df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(*output)), columns=colnames)[colnames[::-1]]
    return df

def _itisdict(a, b, matches, colnames, pastens="ax21"):
    prefix = "//%s:" % pastens
    matches = [prefix + x for x in matches]
    output = []
    for m in matches:
        nodes = a.xpath(m, namespaces=b)
        output.append([x.text for x in nodes])
    if len(nodes) == 0:
        sys.exit("Please enter a valid search name")
    return dict(zip(colnames, output))

def _itisextract(a, b, matches, colnames, pastens="ax21"):
    prefix = "//%s:" % pastens
    matches = [prefix + x for x in matches]
    output = []
    for m in matches:
        nodes = a.xpath(m, namespaces=b)
        output.append([x.text for x in nodes])
    return output

def _array2df(obj, colnames):
    if all([len(x) == 2 for x in obj]):
        df = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(colnames, obj)))
        df = pd.DataFrame([dict(zip(colnames, obj))])
    return df

def _itis_parse(a, b, d):
    def xpathfunc(x, y, nsp):
        tmp = y.xpath("//ax21:" + x, namespaces=nsp)
        return [x.text for x in tmp]

    vals = [xpathfunc(x, b, d) for x in a]
    return dict(zip(_tolower(a), vals))
    # df = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(_tolower(a), vals)))
    # return df

def _itis_parse_2dict(a, b, d):
    def xpathfunc(x, y, nsp):
        tmp = y.xpath("//ax21:" + x, namespaces=nsp)
        return [x.text for x in tmp]

    vals = [xpathfunc(x, b, d) for x in a]
    return dict(zip(a, vals))

def _get_text(y):
    vals = [x.text for x in y]
    keys = [x.tag.split("}")[1] for x in y]
    return dict(zip(keys, vals))

def _tolower(y):
    return [x.lower() for x in y]

def gettag(y):
    return y.tag.split("}")[1]

def _df(x, as_dataframe=False):
    if as_dataframe and pd:
        if isinstance(x, dict):
            x = [x]
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(x)
        return df
        return x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest
